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CLOSURE:  In our ongoing & responsible effort to ensure the safety & health of our students we are sadly CLOSED to In-Person Group Classes from March 17th for at least the next 3 weeks during this pandemic health crisis. We are still taking REGISTRATIONS for reserved spots in class once we're given the go-ahead by our Government agencies to resume business so please check back often.   


NEED SOME HELP TO KEEP TRAINING:  If you're in need of some training ideas or assistance during this time give us a SHOUT! & we'll be happy to help you & your pup, just drop us a note via email. 

Yes, it's true training classes at dogWISE

There has been a lot happening since we last saw you in class and therefore a few things we need to cover. So let's get started.

Firstly, we sure hope you and your family have been safe during this time. Since we've only spoken or emailed back and forth with a few of you during this time we sincerely hope all has gone well for everyone. 

dogWISE switched to VIRTUAL online Zoom classes and it's been a blast working with the puppies who joined us. So much so, that we're going to keep it a regular option and are even expanding to Self-study Membership Classes.  Who knew the tech side of training would take off as it has.

Secondly, you received an email with this information because you either still have classes left in your session or expressed interest in attending more classes and of course because you are a treasured dogWISE Student.

And finally, as a dogWISE Student returning to class, there are a number of things we need you to know before heading into class.  In order to resume classes, we are required to have a Health & Safety protocol in place.  Here, in a nutshell, is what we have initiated and will have in place for the safety of our dogWISE Students and Staff.


  • NEW CLASS TIMES:  The new weeknight class time will now be 7:30pm.  This is to ensure less contact between the facility staff and dogWISE students in an effort to keep everyone just a little bit safer.  Classes on Sundays will remain the same 6:00pm & 7:00pm

  • SOCIAL DISTANCING:  We ask that you continue to be aware of social distancing.  We want to ensure everyone is comfortable while in the facility and that takes everyone doing their very best to ensure distancing is maintained.​

    • Training stations will be well spaced to allow for everyone to work safely

    • You will access and depart class through specific doors - again we'll have directional markers in place.

    • On nights where two classes run back to back (Sundays) we ask that you wait until directed to enter.

  • SANITIZING:  In addition to the floors being well sanitized by the facility and any other measures they have taken, we will be spraying and wiping down additional contact areas (door handles & stations) before class.​

    • Students are asked to use the hand sanitizer before entering the training area and upon departing - this will be provided by dogWISE Training.

    • Trainers will handle and place all equipment used in class.

  • PROTECTIVE WEAR: Although not mandated by the government we ask as a private business that you wear masks.  Trainers will wear masks.

  • HEALTH & CONTACT TRACING:  Any student who is feeling under the weather or is coughing, sneezing, has a fever, is requested to stay home and will not be able to attend class.  We want you to be safe as well as those around you. 

    • Don't worry you won't lose your class we'll add it to the end of your session.

    • Information provided when you registered for class will be used in the event you need to be contacted - if your info. has changed since we last saw you please update it on your return to class.

    • Class attendance sheets will continue to be maintained as normal


We're so GLAD you stuck with us during this time! 
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me

Heather  -








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